Pitsford Village Hall dates back to 1908 and the historic stone building is managed and maintained by the Village Hall committee.  The Hall has excellent kitchen facilities and a large function room which can be used for private events and parties. A juke box has recently been installed in the main hall. Over the last 12 months areas of the building have been refurbished and more will continue throughout 2024.

The Hall is there for the benefit the village residents.  Residents are always welcome to organise or sponsor events, which can be for charity, a local cause or simply just for fun! The Hall is open to non-residents to rent.

Past events have included:

  • Table top sales.
  • Cheese and wine events.
  • Curry and quiz nights.
  • Film evenings.
  • Tea dances.
  • Afternoon teas.
  • Jumble sales.
  • Craft Fairs
  • History of Pitsford Exhibition.

The Village Hall is a valued facility, but its future depends on the community supporting it by attending events and/or making donations.

Groups who regularly use the Hall include:

  • W.I.
  • Pilates Classes.
  • Cubs.
  • Craft Classes.
  • Table Tennis groups.

Forthcoming Events

On the first Sunday of each month (with the exception of January ) a full English Breakfast is served at a cost of £5.99….

For Village Hall availability and other enquiries please contact Wendy Biggs on 07903511572